How to Get Rid of Sewer Gas Smell

If you smell a noxious sewer-like odor inside your home, chances are it is sewer gas escaping from the drainage system.

Not only does it smell gross, but the methane and bacteria it contains can be dangerous to your health, causing headaches or even more serious ailments. Even scarier, high concentrations of methane gas are combustible, which can cause an explosion. If you notice this distinctive, foul odor, do not ignore it.

Possible Causes for the Sewer Smell:

  • sewer back-up
  • leaks from rotted or cracked drain pipes
  • a clogged drain
  • loose-fitting pipe connections
  • a stopped-up or too-short vent pipe
  • toilet’s wax ring is old
  • a dry trap

Before you call the plumber, however, there are some simple actions that may eliminate the problem quickly at little or no cost. Below, you’ll find out how to get rid of the smell of sewer gas emitting from a shower drain due to a dry trap or a mild clog.

Plumbing fixtures and their connecting systems that are correctly designed and installed are normally odorless. However, even the best plumbing may sometimes allow sewer gas into your home due to a simple problem that can be easily checked and simply solved. If the problem persists, then it’s time to call in the professional—a plumber.

Shower Drain Sewer Smell Removal

  1. Pour 1/4 cup of baking soda into the drain.
  2. Follow with one cup of white vinegar.
  3. Let that sit for two hours with the bathroom door closed.
  4. Slowly pour a gallon of hot water down the drain.
  5. After fifteen minutes, run cold water for ten minutes to thoroughly rinse the vinegar down. This step is very important, so don’t skip it.
  6. Pour 1/2 cup chlorine bleach into the drain and let it sit for another two hours with the bathroom door closed.
  7. Rinse with another gallon of hot water poured slowly.
  8. Let cool water run for ten minutes. By now, ample water should be standing in the “U” curve of the P-trap.
  9. The last step is to pour four ounces of mineral oil (plain cooking oil will work in a pinch) into the drain. The oil floats on the water in the trap and slows evaporation.
  10. Optional: Use a screwdriver to remove the trap if you want to replace it. You can also remove the trap to clean it out.

Warning: Never mix bleach and vinegar, or you will create toxic chlorine and chloramine gas. Step #6 is crucial to avoid this danger.

Sewer Service, Emergency Drain Cleaning, plumbing services, kitchen drains, bathroom drains